August 11, 2004

Belated Birthday!!

I messed up. Yesterday was Dana's birthday and I missed it.

Well it seems that she has her very own Pretty Princess tale and you gotta see this. A couple of my favorite people are "stars". Talk about Perfect Casting!!!!!

Funny stuff. I wish I had that kind of imagination. I love the internet - so damn entertaining!!

Happy Birthday Dana!!!

Posted by Tammi at August 11, 2004 08:27 AM

How do you know you DON'T have that kind of imagination? Have you ever tried?

Yes, I'm sure you can give examples of not being creative, but I'm just saying... maybe it's not as hopeless as you think.

I've seen you at comment parties. You've got QUITE an imagination.

Try a top 10 list once.

Or even just a top 5.

Broaden your horizons. I used to think I couldn't write humor.

Posted by: Harvey at August 11, 2004 10:03 AM

Aww shucks, Tammi. Thanks. Wasn't that part just WRITTEN for Harvey?

Posted by: Sally at August 11, 2004 01:37 PM