Thanks to my blogless Sister we have this bit of humor to start out our week.
What happens when you:
1) have nothing to do
2) own a sharp knife
3) have a large lime
4) own a patient cat
5) drink too much tequila
6) and it's football season?
My Dad sent that to me a couple weeks ago and I still crack up when I see it. Every time I see it I think, "Damn, that's a big lime or a very small headed cat!"
Posted by: Boudicca at August 2, 2004 07:56 AMThis is SO great...IS that really a lime? haha I directed my 'cat lover' friend to your site...
Posted by: ALa71 at August 2, 2004 08:48 AMThat is just so wrong! LOL
Posted by: kat-missouri at August 2, 2004 10:08 AMLOL. I love this one. Oh the poor kitty's ears though! They must be smooshed. His face is so funny.
I can just hear him now "of all the families I could have picked, it had to be these two jokers!"