July 11, 2004

Breaking The Silence

I had to take a break from the sun. It's kinda hot out there today. So I jump on line real quick to check a few things and see that my friend BloodSpite has Broken the Silence at long last.

I knew he had hurt his back, but he kept hinting that when he did post I'd like it. You know what - he's right. BloodSpites gonna be a DADDY!!! Yeah! And it's looking to be a little girl! I make a really great Aunt Tammi, have I ever mentioned that?!?! I'm so happy for he and his wife.

On the down side, it looks like he will not be rejoining the Army. I'm sad for him in that regard as I know it's something he really had his heart set on.

But don't take my word on it. He's spelled it all out so beautifully I'd be very upset if you didn't click over to read it. So do - leave him a comment of congratulations and support.

Posted by Tammi at July 11, 2004 12:30 PM


His comment system has to be the most user-unfriendly, hoop-jumping thing I've ever used.

But I figure that if he can serve his country, I think I can suffer a little bother to show some appreciation.

Posted by: Harvey at July 12, 2004 08:56 AM

Sorry Harvey,

It used to be pretty simple but then we kept getting pr0n spam and other things of non G rated material so we went to the hoop jumping process

I appreciate the contact tho :)

Posted by: BloodSpite at July 12, 2004 06:26 PM