April 03, 2006


I do things sometimes, that just make me wonder aloud....Why? Why do I torture myself like this?!?!

For instance,

Why do I always have to run a sink full of dish water BEFORE I go to the bathroom, even when I'm already doin' the pee pee dance?

And why is it I can never flip past a Simmons Mattress sale on one of the shopping networks? Ever!

I just put myself through another episode of that a few minutes ago. On one of the the million shopping channels now available I saw Simmons on the guide - without any understanding or ability to stop myself I turned to that channel.

And just screamed in frustration!!!!

Folks - we used to have to practice, practice, practice our demonstrations and training classes. We held national competitions, we were judged. Our jobs depended on our ability to do these classes.

Help me understand why the WORST performers, the WORST demonstrators are the ones they choose to have on TV?!?!?!!?

I love the product and *I* wouldn't even buy one from this person.

Boring. No passion. Too technical. No humor.


Here I sit unemployed and THIS is what they put out there as the face of the company?!?!?!?!?!!??? I do better than that NOW and I don't even work for them anymore!!!

Ok - deep breath. I may need to just go for a walk or something.

And seriously - no more shopping networks for me. Ever.

Posted by Tammi at April 3, 2006 01:33 PM
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