December 04, 2005

NOW I'm Pissed

Ok - let's review. I live in hell. It's a little bitty tiny house that 1) I can't heat properly because the gap in the screen door is so large and and not to mention the hole in the storm door and 2) I cannot properly secure my home. It is not good.

I met with the new landlord about 3 weeks ago. I reviewed these things with him. Told him I had new latches to secure the door when I am home but that something needed to be done with the locks. I also requested that he fix the damn gap.

ALSO - the new landlord insisted on a 60 day notice with a month to month lease. Oh HELL No. That is about as unreasonable as you can get.

Now - fast forward to Thanksgiving weekend. I find the Blue Cracker House. I sign the lease. I give notice to my landlord and request that he apply the last months rent to the last month. This was the arrangement with the other landlord.

Tonite I arrive home to a letter - no really more of a booklet. It seems the son of a bitch is suing me for rent (and legal fees) through Feb. of 06. Seems he feels I had a hidden agenda. Seems he believes that I am full of shit.

Oh HELL No. This dog does not hunt. He has pissed off the wrong girl this time. I will NOT sit back and let him railroad me. I will be sending another letter correcting his misconceptions and letting him know that I will NOT be taken advantage of.

I think he's afraid he won't rent it. And believe me - I agree. Later this week I will be taking photos of the doors in question, the latch that does not latch and posting them here on my site for your comments. If ya think I'm wrong, tell me. Please - don't let me make an ass of myself.

However - I have to believe I'm right.

I cannot begin to tell you how angry I am. This, this, this person has dared to call me a liar and an opportunist. HA. What a crock of shit that is.

Obviously I'm a little pissed off. (#1 clue - I'm repeating myself) So - I'll go now. I may need to do a shot. And then go to sleep. I'm hoping when I wake up in the morning I don't really have to be the bitch it looks like I'm gonna have to be. I hate it when someone pisses me off.

Posted by Tammi at December 4, 2005 10:02 PM

No pictures are right!

Posted by: Sissy at December 4, 2005 10:58 PM

Landlords, as a general rule, suck ass... Make sure you kick him in the balls when you're done correcting his ass too. That'll teach him to mess with a woman.

Posted by: Princess Cat at December 4, 2005 11:51 PM

Take the pictures, and drop the hammer on him. Find out if the local health department will come inspect. Find out what over local agencies may be able to inspect or are otherwise over improperly maintained rental property. File every complaint on him you can. And, while that is going on, let him know you have documented everything, and that you will cheerfully see him in court. Also, let him know that you blog, and that you have documented ongoing problems on the blog, your attempts/requests to get them fixed, and that you will be using his name so that when someone does a google search about renting from him, this comes up. Nail him. Good luck!

Posted by: Laughing Wolf at December 5, 2005 05:13 AM

Contact the Better Business Bureau. A lot of times you don't have to do anything else. Just the threat of BBB coming down on a land lord is enough to make them run scared. Send all your pictures and documentation to them.

Posted by: TNT at December 5, 2005 06:01 AM

LW & TNT have great advice, follow through on all of them. (We've had a number of health inspectors, fire marshal - add that to your list, all come out here because of management incompetencies.

Long and short of it? Manager was fired, corporate got scared and we suddenly have quite a few of our "issues" being clarified.

It sucks when you have to put on the big girl boots and be a pain in someone elses ass, but you can do it. Put "Bud's" face on this guy and nail him with both barrells. Between the eyes or the crotch is your call.

AND you can tack on your legal and filing fees to be repaid by SOB when you win. Nail him girl, just nail 'im to the wall!

Posted by: Lee Ann at December 5, 2005 10:02 AM