December 02, 2005

Temper Temper

I have a bit of a temper. Oh, I keep a pretty tight reign on it most of the time, but if push comes to shove....yeah, well let's just say I'm not one to back down. Especially if I truly believe I'm right.

As you all know I'm trying to make a move. In 2 weeks. A lot to do in a little time - especially given that I cannot take any time off of work, and I can't really do too much ahead as there is no room to put boxes and such. So I do what I can.

My focus the last couple of days was transferring utilities. WooHoo. Gas - done. Electric - done. Direct TV - done gotta have my football Water - done. Then I called the phone company. Verizon. That would be where we had a bit of an issue. I have them for both DSL and phone - so this was kind of important.

I won't go into a lot of detail, let's just say they pushed me waaaaayyyyyy over the edge. Pissed me off in a way I haven't been in more time than I can say. To the point that I told them to turn the DSL off on the 15th and they could take their phone line and shove it.

Then I called the cable company and ordered broadband for the new house. WooHoo - thirty bucks cheaper than DSL. That's a very good thing. Then I called Vonage. Same phone package but forty bucks cheaper. That is a VERY good thing.

The downside? Yeah - well, no phone for two weeks. But I'm finding I'm pretty much alright with that. I call Mama Vi from work and check on her. I manage to check in with a few folks quickly during the day - just to make sure everyone/thing is good.

Meanwhile - I'm saving seventy bucks a month just because I got ticked off and didn't do things "the easy way". Damn - that worked out pretty well. And - without a phone to distract me I might just get packed and such in plenty of time.

Posted by Tammi at December 2, 2005 06:56 AM

Haven't I seen a lot of mention about "silver lining" around here.....LOL

I can't believe broadband is cheaper than DSL up there??!!!

Posted by: Carmen at December 2, 2005 11:17 AM

Good move... Verizon blows!

Posted by: Princess Cat at December 2, 2005 03:43 PM

Ditto Cat's comment!

Posted by: Sissy at December 3, 2005 11:14 AM