I may regret this post. BIG TIME.
But BlogDaddy Harvey and I were talking about the game this Sunday.
You know - the Infamous Battle of the Bays. Tampa Bay vs Green Bay.
(BTW - you've GOT to watch the intro this week!)
It's a given we've got a bet. No doubt there.
But the big question is what are the stakes?
Hmm. Neither of us could come up with anything.
Then I have the brilliant idea to post it and see what Y'all suggest.
Just one main rule. NO Tammi's Titties on Tampa. Nope. No. Hell No.
So - what do you think we should bet on this? Let's make it interesting folks!
Posted by Tammi at September 22, 2005 06:28 AMI love when fans of expansion teams get upity. :)
Posted by: Contagion at September 22, 2005 06:37 AMContagion - Ha. I scoff at you! Expansion team?!? We'll talk when this expansion team kicks GB to the curb!!
Machelle - Uhhh. No. Not. Nope. Guess that makes 2 rules. ;-) I'm a girl, I get to change my mind!
Posted by: Tammi at September 22, 2005 06:47 AMGreat intro ... however, humor will not stop the mighty Bears when they visit 11/27!
Posted by: John at September 22, 2005 12:58 PMNo question about it: Tammi's...oh wait, rule #1...I forgot.
Hmmm...wasn't it Contagion who had a cheese bra? I'm not saying I want to see Harvey wearing it...
Posted by: Ogre at September 22, 2005 01:04 PMOgre brings up some interesting thoughts.
Okay, first thought one week, complete redecoration of winning team colors & banners on the losers blog. Second thought, Banner and colors with a picture of loser in winning team parephenalia (jersey, hat, shorts, et al) and SMILING!
Next thought...maybe a bit of cross dressing action at the next family blog meet? Hmmmm
Posted by: Lee Ann at September 22, 2005 01:27 PMI think that Contagion would find the idea of Harvey wearing his wife's cheese-bra only SLIGHTLY less disturbing than the idea of ME wearing it.....
Posted by: Graumagus at September 22, 2005 06:42 PMEww, I the thought of Harv & Grau displaying their man boobies is disturbing.
I’m off to vomit now.
Posted by: phin at September 22, 2005 08:31 PMI love the Bucs site. Their intro cartoons are hilarious.
Hmmmm, too bad they can't play football as well as they can manage a website...then they might have an actual chance in beating the Pack this week!
Posted by: TNT at September 23, 2005 08:12 AMphotos of closets.....I am dying to see Harveys....
Posted by: ArmyWifeToddlerMom at September 23, 2005 08:31 AM