September 18, 2005

Good News!! Good News

Yesterday I picked up the phone and there was the sweet voice of my friend, LeeAnn. What a treat!

We started out the call just gabbin' like we usually do then she got kinda serious.

"Umm...I don't know how to say this so I guess I'll just say it. Dogger is in remission."

Silence on my end. Tears are in my eyes.

"Dogger is in remission".

Folks - I don't care what anyone says - I DO believe in miracles. Oh yes I do. I believe in the depth of my soul and this is a miracle.

Not only that but they are in the process of getting a child. And I personally cannot think of 2 people that will make better parents.

So stop on over, see what's going on and let them know how happy you are for them.

Oh, and I just want to say how much *I*, as a friend, appreciate all the support you've shown them over the past year. Thank You!

Posted by Tammi at September 18, 2005 08:23 AM

Thank you dear friend. We and I have absolutely no doubts about the power of prayer, the strength of faith and belief. In my heart I know that God heard not only our prayers but the prayers that were given on his behalf by so very many people, known and unknown. That that made such a huge impact.

Posted by: Lee Ann at September 18, 2005 09:35 AM