August 26, 2005

They May Want To Rethink That

Fridays I TRY to get into my aluminum plant. We're small and kinda short on help right now and busier than a one armed paper hanger. So.....Friday afternoons I make every effort to get out and spend some time there.

Today was no different. Except that everyone has been really bustin' it to get my parts made, inspected, packed and shipped. I wanted to do something to say THANK YOU. From ME. Not the company. So I picked up a boatload of fudge pops to pass out to everyone so I could look them in the eye and say THANK YOU. I know it's not much - but it's something.

Then - I went to work. We had some really important shipments that HAD to be out today so they had me inspect and pack one of the hottest. BIG MISTAKE. You cannot have a sales person inspect. I get the phone calls complaining about quality. It took me 1 1/2 hours to pack up 2 boxes of 250 pcs each. I rejected almost 1 for 2. It was insane. My friend (that runs that part of the operation) could only laugh and shake her head. We had to reinspect everything I rejected. Oops......

Then it was off to labeling. I'm a bit anal retentive. I needed to understand what the labels said and WHY. God love her - she has the patience of Job. She explained everything to me as sweet as could be.

NEXT - another hot load. I'm packing parts now. I refused to even look at them. They had already been inspected so I had to trust (ouch) that they met standards. We got those done. Thank Goodness.

ME? I'm grease and dirt from head to toe. My jeans may well be ruined. I was soaked in sweat. (did I mention it's a forging shop with furnaces and big heavy presses? In other words - Hot As Hell)

I got a feeling I won't be doing any more inspecting real soon. That probably wasn't the best idea they've had for a while. ;-)

Posted by Tammi at August 26, 2005 06:40 PM

For some reason reading this...all I can think about is the movie "Flashdance"....I am sure you were hot and sweaty in a very sexy way....

I hope your neck was cut out of your shirt, and you did a bra trick when you got home....

Posted by: ArmyWifeToddlerMom at August 26, 2005 08:31 PM

They don't like me inspecting either, problem is that is part of my job!

Ya, they pretty much hate it when I go onto the floor.

Posted by: Machelle at August 29, 2005 06:44 AM