July 28, 2005


Teresa has a post up spotlighting New Jersey Assemblyman John McKeon's attempt to help save me from myself. He wants to ban smoking while driving. Is the man a natural idiot or did it take a while to achieve that level?

You think road rage is bad now - get a bunch of folks on the road that can't have a cigarette and watch the numbers explode. Get over it Dude! Or, go a step further - make those drivers Sales Reps on the road for hours or days and tell them they can't smoke. Yeah right - I'm not doin' it. Stupid Idea just stupid. It won't go anywhere - but it sure is maddening.

THEN I head over to Dash's place and see a post about the Food Nazis and how other people have taken upon themselves to sue companies - like Nabisco, McDonalds and Burger King - on "my" behalf. Because it's not good for us, for our children - just sue.

For cryin' out loud. No....cookies and fast food are not good for us. Anyone that thinks they are is just not thinking. If all you do is feed your child a diet of junk that's YOUR fault - not the company that makes/sells is.


Stop tryin' to save us from ourselves. I don't want the government in my car, at my Doctor, at my table or in my bedroom. Stop it already!!! Don't make me telll you again!

Posted by Tammi at July 28, 2005 06:18 AM

Amen sister!

Posted by: Sissy at July 28, 2005 06:27 AM

Those people can kiss my fat ass.

What I need is for someone to smack the self righteous bastards upside the head and tell them to STFU on my behalf.

I'd do it myself but these bacon cheeseburgers aren't going to eat themselves, dammit....

Posted by: Graumagus at July 28, 2005 10:20 AM

I'm an adult, I know that smoking and fast food is not good for me. That is my choice to make.

Posted by: Contagion at July 28, 2005 04:36 PM

Next listening to music while driving will be banned!

Posted by: Susan at July 28, 2005 06:32 PM

They've already done it with cigarettes, so get ready to pay big bucks for fatty foods.

Posted by: Dash at July 28, 2005 07:03 PM