July 13, 2005

Random Stuff

After posting about the car breaking down I should probably mention they fixed it. YEAH! It was a broken ground wire and the most expensive part was the tow and the diagnostics. They also fixed the oil leak. Funny....2 months ago they wanted $500 to fix the oil leak. The oil plug was stripped and they said the only fix was to replace the entire oil pan. In order to do that they had to either pull the engine and lift if from the top or drop the axle and either way....mucho dinero. Now - 2 months (and several quarts of oil) later they can simply install a temporary oil plug. Hmmm....oh well - doesn't matter. It doesn't leak anymore and that's all I care about.

I've got to drive to NW Iowa next week. They wanted to me to go yesterday but I managed to point out what a REALLY bad idea that was - thank goodness they fell for that! Iowa? Iowa?!?! Funny - not on my list of places to go. Oh, well.....it's always an adventure.

Cody is up to 26 pounds now. You should have seen my reaction when the Vet told him he won't get bigger than 50 pounds. Damn - I hope it's just that he has a good sense of humor cause I never planned on 50 pounds!!! And we scheduled his surgery. Hehehehe. August 5th. I. Can't. Wait.

I'm having company for dinner Saturday. Harvey and TNT will be the special guests at Tammi's World for my infamous Pork Roast Dinner. AND - as a special treat I'm making Bou's really really yummy apple pie. She made it at the Bad Example Family (and Friends) Reunion and I've been craving it ever since. I'm so looking forward to a day at home - puttering and getting ready for company. Well, not really company - hell - they're FAMILY.

I'm still adjusting to the whole idea of nights and weekends are MINE. I still feel kinda guilty when I'm just hangin' around. But somehow - I think I'll get over that eventually. ;-)

Posted by Tammi at July 13, 2005 05:56 AM

Iowa should be fun especially northwest iowa... it is hilly and the corn should be somewhat bigish... and it is awesome over there....

Posted by: AJ at July 13, 2005 07:21 AM

Cody weighs more than Pink Ninja.

Posted by: ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 13, 2005 07:23 AM

That will be exactly enough talk about "surgery." No more.

Posted by: Ogre at July 13, 2005 11:46 AM

Oh crap! I'm going to my e-mail now to get you that recipe!

Posted by: Bou at July 13, 2005 08:54 PM

1. Very glad your car is all better.

2. Very glad to hear we're invited to dinner. Might have missed the date otherwise! What time?

Posted by: TNT at July 13, 2005 10:29 PM

I assume T1G's gonna be there?

Posted by: Harvey at July 14, 2005 12:57 PM