July 12, 2005

ANOTHER One?!?!?

I am horrible. Last month Army Wife tagged me with the book meme. I started it but never really got it "post ready". So now - Sean at Doc in the Box has hit me with it also. Guess I better just get 'er done.

But it's not an easy one for me. Nope not at all.

You see, I love to read. Love Love Love. I've read everything I could get my hands on for as long as I can remember. In the 5th grade I read the Scarlet Letter and did a report for school. They accused me of stealing the report - didn't believe I had read the book let alone written about it. The biggest insult was in the 7th grade when I did an essay on Crime and Punishment. That almost got me expelled. I love Shakespeare and had a hard bound edition of his complete collection - someone stole it a while ago and I haven't been able to replace it. But...I'm done reading the classics. Now - I read for pleasure. I read to escape. Yes folks - I usually read trash. Pure and simple trash......so my list of favorites - hot. steamy. complete escapisim.

So....here we go....

1) The total number of books I own.

I have close to 1500 paperbacks. Hard bound, probably only 20 or so. I take my books with me everywhere and it's just easier if they are paperback.

2) The last book I bought.

Believe it or not - a non-trashy one. I was in the mood for some intrigue, some suspense and T1G recommended John Sanford's Prey series. I got Rules of Prey and Shadow Prey. OUTSTANDING. I can't wait to get the rest of them.

3) The last book I read.

Just finished The Black Echo by Michael Connelly. This one messed with my head big time. Excellent but damn....

4) Five books that mean a lot to me.

I wouldn't say they mean a lot to me....they are just some of my favorite reads.

1) My Bible - hey folks - still waters run deep ya know.

2) Paradise - Elizabeth Lowell - hot, hot, hot. Oh, and steamy too.

3) Perfect - Elizabeth Lowell (the sequel to Paradise)

4) A Woman Without Lies - Elizabeth Lowell - this book breaks my heart everytime I read it. Something about the way EL writes just gets to me.

5)My Country Cooking cookbook. Don't laugh! It's a book. And I'd seriously hurt anyone that tried to come between me and it. In fact - that's the main reason I'm trying to sort out that storage room. I Miss My CookBook!!

5) Tag Five People with this Meme.

Nope. Not gonna do it. You want to take a stab at this - go for it. It's fun. But I think everyone I know has done it.

Posted by Tammi at July 12, 2005 10:21 AM

Good job, I know you were a reading fool!

Posted by: Sean at July 12, 2005 09:41 PM

ONLY 5 books... oh hell no! There's no possible way I could do that one... I know what would happen - every time I think I have 5 - I'd think of 5 more that I love and absolutely mean the world to me. *grin*

Posted by: Teresa at July 12, 2005 09:46 PM

Heheh... I tole you, Lucy... them's some kick ass books!

Posted by: That 1 Guy at July 12, 2005 11:01 PM

I would, i could, but I won't so I'm not

mainly because I can't think currently

Posted by: BloodSpite at July 13, 2005 01:35 AM