July 09, 2005

But I Don't Wanna Go!!

Getting ready to head to Mama's this weekend. Yep - it's my Indiana weekend. Hopefully the traffic won't be so bad this time.

And the highlight of the weekend? The Social Event? My 25 year class reunion. I so DON'T want to go.

But I made a promise. I said I would go for the first 25 years - honestly I didn't expect to still be living at this point, so it seemed like a pretty safe bet.

I'm not fond of these people. High School wasn't such a good time for me. But I'm going. I promised my best friend. Thank goodness it's causual this year. Jeans even. At least I'll be comfortable. And I'm taking the camera. Oh yes I am. Believe me folks - I get any good "stuff" and I'm posting. If nothing else there should be some good stories.

But damn....I don't wanna go!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Tammi at July 9, 2005 06:57 AM