May 17, 2005

A Small Change

I've made it perfectly clear - I hate to wear shoes. Hate. Hate. Hate. Oh, I have a boat load. I love to own them.....I just don't like to wear them for extended periods of time.

The weather was actually pretty nice up here a while back. One could get away with calling it "warm". So....I ran to the gas station for cigarettes and they wouldn't let me buy them. "No Shirt. No Shoes. No Service." I double checked - yeah I was wearing a shirt. Well, shit......I had to go home and grab some flip flops. I now keep them in the car at all times - just in case it ever gets warmer than 60 degrees again.

But I am wearing shoes. Hell - I'm even thinking of buying some sort of slipper or such for the house. Even though there is carpet everywhere - my tootsies are chilly. And I HATE socks. Well, I hate dirty socks - and without slippers or shoes they tend to get very dirty.

Me! Wearing shoes in the house! What IS this world coming to?!?!?!

Posted by Tammi at May 17, 2005 05:35 AM

It's called Karma, getting you back for all those "the weather is fabulous" posts over the winter months.

hee hee hee

Oh and by the way, once it hits 50 degrees I don't wear any socks around the house and sandels only for outside.


Posted by: Machelle at May 17, 2005 06:30 AM

Don't worry, summer's coming :-)

Posted by: Harvey at May 17, 2005 08:09 AM

Miners cap and slippers make for a very sexy look...

Posted by: ArmyWifeToddlerMom at May 17, 2005 10:16 AM

Miners cap and slippers make for a very sexy look...

Posted by: ArmyWifeToddlerMom at May 17, 2005 10:16 AM

I own four pairs of shoes, and that's it. I hate them. Hate wearing them, and hate buying them.

Poor Tammi. Still, if you like shoe-shopping, it'll soon be Autumn, season of mists and new boots :-)

Posted by: Sally at May 17, 2005 02:23 PM

i wear shoes everywhere in the house. i sit down & flip them off the second my feet are up off the floor. but the second i get up, i'm looking for them. and i hate wearing shoes. but i always wear them in the house. maybe if the floors were vacuumed & mopped i'd go barefoot again...

Posted by: sarahk at May 21, 2005 10:19 PM