March 06, 2005

It's Silly Really

You know, it's the little things. Those small little details or items that just "complete" things.

For me it's a simple thing like my toe ring.

I've had a toe ring since the day after I moved down here. I was down at the surf shop in Bradenton, picking out my first bathing suit and saw a display of rings. Ohh....pretty shiney objects! Oh look, a celtic design. So I bought it. And it has been on my right foot since that day. No matter what shoes, what event, I wore my toe ring.

Then this winter - for some reason that I don't remember - I took it off. And promptly lost it. I looked everywhere. Who knows where that darn thing went. The stupid thing is I didn't even think to replace it. I just went without - occassionaly glancing at a display when I was out shopping but nothing reminded me of the one I lost and I really liked it.

Then yesterday I was, at all places, the smoke shop. After buying my carton of cigarettes for the week I was chatting with the clerk on my way out. There, in the last display, was a collection of toe rings. AND...there was one with a "somewhat" celtic design. Ohhhh, Ohhhh. So I bought it. And put it on as soon as I got in the car.

Yeah - that's what was missing. Just the feel on my toe. I remember the first time I went home for a visit after I moved. I was at fighting weight, had been working out and it showed. I had cut my hair and gone with an auburn tint. Hours, no days in the sun had turned my skin to a wonderful golden tan and I felt HOT! I was wearing my favorite little dresses and skirts and lots of sandles. My toe nails were a lovely shade of red and that little toe ring just finished off the look.

All those changes and the first thing everyone commented on was the toe ring. It was a symbol of the metamorphasis - both internal and external - that had occurred.

It's almost like I had forgotten just what I had gone through - what I have accomplished when I wasn't wearing it.

So - now it all feels right. I wiggle my toes and feel that little band of metal and smile. Yeah - I know it's silly - but it does make a difference.

Posted by Tammi at March 6, 2005 07:15 AM

... little things - things that no one else notices - they are often the most important for us... individuality is defined in many ways...

Posted by: Eric at March 6, 2005 08:57 AM

I absolutely LOVE my toe rings! I have one that is a gold Irish Claddagh and the other is a tri-band gold with a silver butterfly!

And I feel naked without them!!

Posted by: Sissy at March 6, 2005 12:37 PM

Oh, I love 'em, too. Ziggy got me a gold one with a dolphin on it for Christmas...because, like you, I lost my last one.

It's kinda funny...I'm an old, fat grandma, but it makes me feel...not exactly young, but I dunno? Perky? LOL And, my toes ARE one of my best features. hehe

Posted by: Pammy at March 6, 2005 12:49 PM